We currently have the Spirit of Dance Festival going on at the studio, with kids batches, adults batches etc, and often there are kids waiting outside waiting for their mums to finish Salsa class.
Kids dont need anything except other kids to entertain themselves, amidst the giggles, nudges, antics and drama, following are bits of their conversation that I overheard.
Q: Where do cows go on Saturday Nights?
A: The "Mooooooo"vies
Q: How do you make 7 an even number?
A: You remove the "S".
Q: What do cats read in the mornings?
A: The "Mews"paper
Q: What do you get when you combine chocolate with antlers
A: Chocolate Moose
Q: Which fish gets to walk the red carpet?
A: Star-fish
Q: What work does a student mouse do at home?
A: Mouse-work
I'm definitely going to use these jokes for the next few days to come! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!
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